Healing Through Culture and Art
13 Shawl Collection Exhibited at the
University of Michigan of Michigan
Hospital, Ziibiwing Culture Center
and the Mid-Michigan Art Reach
Healing Through Culture and Art
13 Shawl Collection Exhibited at the
University of Michigan of Michigan
Hospital, Ziibiwing Culture Center
and the Mid-Michigan Art Reach
The mission of the project is to inform communities of the causes, symptoms of heart disease that are different for women, and encourage healthy life styles.
Shawls Recently "Dance In" at the
Heard Museum in Phoenix, AZ
February, 9th 2020
In addition:
Upon request, the Artist offers presentations on the following topics:-
Heart Health Awareness
Ovarian Cancer Awareness
American Indian Cultures, Trauma Experiences in Indian Boarding Schools
American Indians Reaction to Physical Pain.